Curbside Information
Arcadia Lakes
Phone: (803)782-2272Accepts:Newspapers and inserts, magazines, catalogs, corrugated cardboard, aluminum and steel cans, #1 and #2 plastic bottles and jugs.
Phone: (803) 532-4601Accepts:Newspapers and inserts, magazines, corrugated cardboard, aluminum and steel cans, #1 and #2 plastic bottles and jugs.
Phone: (803) 796-9020Accepts: Newspaper and inserts, clear, green and brown glass, aluminum and steel cans, #1 through #2 plastic bottles and jugs.
Phone: (803) 733-8455Accepts: Newspapers and inserts, magazines, catalogs, clear, green and brown glass, aluminum, steel and aerosol cans, #1 and #2 plastic bottles and jugs.
Forest Acres
Phone: (803) 782-4719Accepts: Newspapers and inserts, magazines, corrugated cardboard, clear, green and brown glass, aluminum and steel cans, #1 and #2 plastic bottles and jugs.
Phone: (803) 781-7050Accepts: Newspapers and inserts, magazines, clear, green and brown glass, aluminum and steel cans, #1 through #7 plastic bottles and jugs.
Lexington County
Phone: (803) 755-3325Accepts: Newspapers and inserts, magazines, corrugated cardboard, clear, green and brown glass, aluminum and steel cans, #1 through #7 plastic bottles and jugs.
Phone: (803) 359-4164Accepts: Newspapers and inserts, magazines, clear, green and brown glass, aluminum and steel cans, #1 and #2 plastic bottles and jugs.
Phone: (803) 755-2500Accepts: Newspapers and inserts, clear, green and brown glass, aluminum and steel cans, #1 and #2 plastic bottles and jugs.
Richland County
Phone: (803) 929-6000Accepts: Newspapers and inserts, magazines, corrugated cardboard, aluminum, aerosol and steel cans, #1 and #2 plastic bottle and jugs.
Phone: (803) 794-0408Accepts: Newspapers and inserts, clear, green and brown glass, aluminum and steel cans, #1 and #2 plastic bottles and jugs.
West Columbia
Phone: (803) 791-1880Accepts: Newspapers and inserts, clear, green and brown glass, aluminum and steel cans, plastic milk jugs and soft drink bottles only.
Get information from: DHEC: S.C. County Recycling Program